About Scanlight AT

Scanlight AT is the original Thorlux emergency lighting testing and monitoring system. It has been superseded for new projects by SmartScan, Thorlux’ latest system.

The advantages of SmartScan are that communication is wireless, so signal cables are not required. This greatly simplifies installation. Also, the website is completely new, and offers features designed to make operation and reporting easier.

Existing Users and Systems

Although Scanlight AT is no longer a first-choice system, Thorlux is committed to providing on-going support for existing users.

This is available in a number of ways:

  • Scanlight AT products are still available (although not featured on the main Thorlux website). Some have been updated with new technology and materials, and these are fully compatible with existing systems. Please see Products for more information, and contact the Sales Office for prices.
  • Maintenance support is provided by the Monitor and Monitor Plus maintenance packages.
  • Bulk-replacement of batteries that have reached the end of their life is also available. Please contact us for more details.